Sunday, March 15, 2009

3 1/2 months ALREADY!

Silas had his 3 month check up Thursday... just a little bit late. :) He weighs 16 lbs 8 oz and is 26.5 inches long!! He's a BIG BOY! He's above the 95th percentile in weight and off the charts in length! So in other words, in a few years he's going to be taller than me! Silas had to get 4 shots and he did so great! He cried a little bit... but that was to be expected.

I can't believe how much Silas is changing.... just in the past few days it seems that his personality has developed quite a bit. He's laughing... and just acting silly. A few weekends ago we went down to the state championship in Birmingham and on the way back home Uncle Nate wanted to ride in the back seat with Silas. (He's such a sweet uncle) Well he was playing with Silas and had him laughing more than he ever had before! Those are the sweetest sounds! :) Tonight, mom was feeding him cereal and he was laughing at her because she was being silly.

That was more good news... Silas gets to start eating food! He is eating rice cereal now... and I've given him some apple juice as well. He's definitely having to adjust to the cereal... he wasn't a big fan at first, in fact he cried the first time we fed it to him (pictures below), but he's getting much better! I was very excited that Dr.Royster gave me the OK for him to start food because he's been getting up at least once, and sometimes twice a night lately. I know some of you mom's think that sounds great... but for a while Silas had me spoiled because he wasn't getting up at all in the night. In fact, I was sometimes having to wake him up to take him to Mimi's. (Mimi is the lady that keeps Silas during the week) So I'm hoping that the cereal will help him sleep through the night once he gets used to it and actually swallows more than he spits out. :)

So one issue that I'm having with Silas is excema. He has it all over his body and it is just pitiful! I've tried using a milder soap (Cetaphil) and not bathing him every day. I've also tried Aveeno lotion... but it doesn't seem to be much help. It started out just on his arms... and at that point his doctor told me to use hydrocortizone cream... and that seemed to really help. But now it's everywhere... and I don't feel like I should lather him up in hydrocortizone cream all over his body... something about that just doesn't seem right. So his doctor told me to get Carmol. It used to be prescription and now it is OTC. But I've been everywhere... Target, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS... nobody carries it, they'll have to special order it. So... I guess I'll do that tomorrow. He also has cradle cap... and perhaps some excema on his head as well. And he scratches and claws the fire out of his head... yesterday he woke up and when I went to pick him up he was bleeding! So I'm really hoping we'll have a solution for this problem soon. Does anybody has any ideas??

Well... that's all I've got for now. Enjoy the pictures... and the video at the bottom is of Arden. It is the cutest video EVER! Arden is getting so big and is developing a huge personality... I just love being around her. I'm so glad that Silas gets to grow up with his "sissy" and they get to be so close! I also want to bring up the fact that I appreciate my parents SO much! They have been a HUGE HUGE HUGE help to me... and I know that I can never repay them. I'm so happy that Silas will be so close to his Tuck Tuck and Nonna!

Silas snoozing with Tuck Tuck... I love how both of their mouths are open! haha :)
About to eat some cereal! :) yay!

Look at me mommy!

All smiles

yum yum!

This was Silas' first cereal experience... he wasn't too excited

Big smile :)

Silas and Tuck Tuck... hanging out in the morning :)

"What mommy?"

Silas' first snow... he wasn't too happy to be outside... he was very tired

SO cute :)

Silas hiding his face from Uncle Nate

He fell asleep with his hand in the air... so funny


Silas holding the bottle himself... this doesn't happen often, but I thought it was cute

Silas' mugshot! haha

Silas in his exercauser! Thanks GG! :)
Video of Arden... PRECIOUS!


Ada said...

What great pictures and video!! Chloe is loving it!! He is such a big boy!! Its amazing how fast they change!!!

The VanZoerens said...

Awww...we love our Mr. Silas! He is growing so fast :) I love that picture of Silas and Dad sleeping--too cute! I need this video on my blog--looks like you have more work to do :) Oh and thanks for the update--it's about time for one ;) I know I see him all the time, but it's still fun to see all the pictures!

Shelly Pruitt said...

I LOVE your blog! I was so excited to see you with a new post! SILAS IS ADORABLE!!! Oh my goodness, I can't belive how much he has changed in such a short time! I need to come visit! You look good in the picture of y'all in the snow. I love all of the pictures...he has the prettiest eyes- they look just like yours! I can't wait to see you both! You should post more frequently...I'm sure it's hard to find time though :) Love you!

Stephanie said...

Silas is such a great little boy! We just loving having him around. I love getting to see him and Arden "grow up". It is so exciting!
They are the best!

The pictures are adorable! He just keeps getting cuter and cuter :).

Thanks for the update! YAY!

Alyse said...

I love the pics! Unfortunately, Aubree has exczema and I hate it! I haven't had much luck with anything but Hylira. Its a perscription lotion and it works pretty well.

Anonymous said...

Ok... that pic of Silas asleep with his hand in the air is too cute! I can't get over how much Silas and Arden are changing... it's amazing to me!