Monday, December 1, 2008

Inducing Wednesday

Ok... so he didn't put me in the hospital today... I'm still only dilated to one, but he said the baby is very low. He scheduled to induce me on Wednesday unless I just happen to naturally go before then. I'm ok with Wednesday... my main thing was that I wanted him to be the one to deliver and he said that since it's scheduled, he will be the doctor there! So that was good news. Just keep me in your prayers... if anything changes, I will definitely be updating! :)


Stephanie said...

Good thing they are inducing Wednesday because I am leaving for Nebraska on Thursday until Sunday! I can't wait to see Silas! YAY!

Anonymous said...

Girl, I'm so glad you're keeping everybody updated on here! I was beginning to wonder if Silas liked it so much in there he had decided to put up camp until next year! I'm sure he's going to be BEAUTIFUL!